mprc Digital Media, active in digital publishing and digital artworks from original photographs

 mprc Digital Media!

Scan the QR Code to visit mprc.photoart on Instagram

Formerly trading as mprc Web Services, also involved in digital marketing & publishing, now enjoying ‘retirement’. However, on a personal note, I am creating artworks from original photography – much of my own from travels around the UK and Europe. At the moment, you can find me on Instagram   and Facebook.

You can also follow my other, floral based, activities at on Instagram.Scan the QR Code to visit on Instagram Eventually, I hope to publish more of my work, some of which will become available for sale. Watch this space!

UPDATE February 2024: I was brought out of retirement in 2023 to fix some issues on our local Horticultural group’s new rebranded website at:

The new branded site also links to Facebook and Instagram.

Please visit to see how things are progressing.


After assisting the 2023 Sandy Garden & Craft Show and advising on an improved emailing system, capable of multiple access by organising Committee members for 2024, I am continuing to support the group before heading back to my other ‘retirement’ projects. This includes a full historical account of The Sandy Show from inception in 1868 to the present day.

Further updates to follow.

mprc Digital Media